Technical (formatting, IO, etc.) functions ****************************************** Most of these functions can be called as class methods for `MutationCaller objects `_ and/or `PloidyEstimator objects `_. They are described here individually, so that subtasks can be more easily managed. Formatting functions ==================== .. automodule:: isomut2py.format :members: IO functions ============ .. automodule:: :members: Processing functions ==================== (These functions mainly take care of parallelization.) .. automodule:: isomut2py.process :members: Bayesian inference functions ============================ (These functions are called by the `PloidyEstimator object `_ to fit different theoretical distributions to the actual coverage distribution calculated from the data.) .. automodule:: isomut2py.bayesian :members: Functions for ploidy comparison =============================== (These functions perform the comparison of ploidy estimates of two samples for different file formats.) .. automodule:: :members: Functions for loading example parameter settings ================================================ (These functions download example datasets and help load the settings for processing these in a concise way.) .. automodule:: isomut2py.examples :members: